Couples Counseling

You may not have to end your current attachment to get that meaningful relationship you are looking for.

You have invested time in being together. Now, you can have help learning how to overcome your current difficulties and develop a better connection.

How it works: We will establish a therapeutic relationship between the three of us, while working together as a team. I sit on the side of the relationship. I am not a secret keeper, nor a referee. Through this team effort, you will come to enhance your understanding of your connection to each other as you learn to work in partnership.

You will recognize your communication patterns and what does or doesn’t work for the greater good of your individual needs as well as the needs of your relationship. You will come to make a choice that is personal and right for you, your partner and your relationship.

You will begin to define what you’d like to see happening in your living relationship, and what you’d like your relationship to look and feel like.

*Seeing you individually as well as a couple may or may not be available depending on what we three, as a team, define as functional for your relationship and your therapeutic process. 

Individual Psychotherapy 

In a professional and skills based therapy, you will enter into an interactive process where you'll receive insightful, positive, enthusiastic and energizing assistance as you and I blend our best efforts to your benefit.

You will come to experience your own brand of emotional awareness, a valuable resource to personal power and strong energy. You will work toward gaining an intuitive base of skills that are rich with knowledge about you and potential keys to your happiness.

By learning to access and process your emotions you will generate the inner resources you need to navigate through life's challenges and come to experience inner joy.

You’ll potentially come to a working understanding of what creates stress for you; how you manage your stress; and gain the tools for change. By discovering and developing your inner life, you will learn the gift of how to effectively rid yourself of trapped suffering. You will access inner resources for enhancing the quality of your day-to-day life.

​My Skills Set:

                              Talk Therapy (TT)

                             ​Supportive Therapy​

            Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFST)​​

                    Interpersonal Therapy (ITP)

             Cognitive Behavior Therapy  (CBT)

 Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia​ (CBT-I)

             ​ Dialectic Behavioral Therapy  (DBT) 

          Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)

    Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCB)

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping)

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing           
                                                                 (EMDR Therapy)

​Trauma Informed Hypnotherapy and Memory Reconsolidation ​

​Cognitive Processing Therapy for Treatment of PTSD ​(CPT)

CALL:(603) 941-4878
                 Estelle Thibodeau 
Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker  
                   (603) 941-4878

Areas for Treatment Focus:

                    GRIEF AND LOSS
                 BI-POLAR DISORDER
                ANGER MANAGEMENT
                        INSOMNIA ​


         ​ ​Mija Angel
Jan 2008 - August 2014

verified by Psychology Todayverified by Psychology Today
Therapy Dog
AKC Registered
Canine Good Citizen
     Dec 1, 2014
​Currently Present